Benched: 3 Tips on How to Handle a Lack of Playtime
Morgan! Catherine! Oscar! Gwen! Anna! Beau! Laura! Sigh. Another point on the sideline. Another point where I’m not contributing. Is coach watching the same game I’m watching? Beau dropped it TWICE last point and Oscar looks like he’s never played defense before. This is ridiculous. Doesn’t coach remember how good my throws were looking last […]

Purposeful Practice: Introduction + Throwing Drill
Before we start, a story about Joe DiMaggio. He is best known for his remarkable hitting streak during the 1941 season when he recorded a hit in fifty-six consecutive games—a record that still stands more than seventy-five years later. As the story goes, a journalist was interviewing DiMaggio at his home and asked him what […]

The 7 Types of Campers (and Our Coaches’ Reactions)
School has started and the leaves will soon change to their golden autumn colours. Fall is here, but let us reflect on an amazing summer. We were fortunate to have run 12 camps for over 140 Ultimate unique campers…or so we thought. When the last camp concluded, our coaches realized that there were some trends among the […]

How Well do you ACTUALLY Know the Hottest Buzzword in Youth Sports / Education? (Take the 2 minute Quiz)
Did you know…? In BC alone, there are 131 Elementary schools playing and 182 Secondary schools playing. What’s impressive about these numbers is that 75% of these Elementary teams were created in the last 5 years. This is a clear indication that there is a huge demand for an alternative sport like Ultimate Frisbee. We […]

3 Secrets other sports programs aren’t talking about

10 Free Frisbee Activities For the Family!
Things are a bit weird this year, and we wanted to help make your life a little easier by creating these 10 free Ulti activities that the whole family can enjoy! You don’t need anything fancy- just a frisbee, a park, and some friendly competition. 💡 Don’t have a frisbee at home? No problem! Modify […]

Disc Golf Explained in 1 Sentence
Wait, I thought Elevate was an Ultimate Frisbee company? We were and still are! But with COVID-19 restrictions, playing Ultimate is quite hard. This is why, for now, we are focusing on running fun and safe Disc Golf Camps in Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver, Langley, and Delta. This is what Dr. Bonnie Henry recommended for this Summer and […]