When we started Elevate Ultimate in 2016, we asked the same question many coaches and organizations ask today: What is the best way to teach ultimate to kids?
We knew that the key to growing Elevate and ultimate in general was a grassroots approach, as in getting kids to play that had never seen or heard of ultimate before. Moreover, we knew the vital importance of these kids having an absolute blast at their very first practice, and not leaving a single ounce of doubt in their mind whether they wanted to play again.
Unfortunately, many of the resources available online when starting Elevate were not usable for this goal. Partner passing, three person, breakforce go-to…heck, these are boring for adult club teams, how could we expect a new 8 year old to fall in love with ultimate from those drills?
That’s why Elevate has started a Game of the Month series. Each month, we’ll show you one of our favourite games (voted on by the 10,000 kids that we coach each year) and the different ways we adapt them for different ages and skill levels.
If you like what you see, make sure to check out our full database of curriculum resources with 100+ games and drills, 60+ video tutorials, and 8+ curriculum templates so you never have to come up with camp or clinic curriculum again!
Asteroid Game Tutorial
Asteroids is a great way to get all your kids engaged with a bit of competitive spirit. It’s a great mix of running and target practice, and can be used as a warm – up or spirit game.
Set Up:
➔ Create some “bases” for the running team to go around (using 4 cones)
➔ Use a basketball hoop, soccer net, or some other kind of target and place a cone for the “shooting” line
How to Play:
➔ Split group into two teams
➔ The “shooting team” takes turns trying to sink the frisbee in the hoop / hit the target
➔ At the same time, one runner from the “running team” is running around the bases
➔ If the running team makes it all the way around without the “shooting team” scoring, then the running team gets a point. The next runner may start.
➔ If the “shooting team” scores while there’s a runner running, that runner is out and comes back to the end of the line. Now the “shooting team” has gotten 1 out
➔ Once the “shooting team” has gotten 3 outs, the teams switch
➔ Play 3 innings
➔ Make the target bigger or smaller to adapt the challenge level
➔ Can make it other exercises around the bases ie. Side shuffles, high knees
➔ Can make it timed rather than 3 outs
Like this game? Make sure to comment and let us know if you try it with your team.
Remember, if you like what you see, make sure to check out our full database of curriculum resources with 100+ games and drills, 60+ video tutorials, and 8+ curriculum templates so you never have to come up with camp or clinic curriculum again!
P.S. If you email ari@elevateultimate.com with subject line “Elevate50”, we’ll give you $50 off your first month
P.P.S. For every organization you refer successfully, we’ll give each of your organizations $100